Tuesday 3 December 2013

The Countdown Begins.

In a week, I'll be making my way back to my American home.  I've been away for almost eight weeks now and it feels like they've passed by me in the blink of an eye.  At the same time, it feels like I've been gone much, much longer.  Crazy, isn't it.

You know how, sometimes, when you think back it's like your memories are from another lifetime?  The summer I spent with S, living in our home, feels like that.  Considering the amount of time we've spent apart versus the time spent together, it's no surprise that being apart quickly becomes our normality again.  I hate that feeling.  My memories from all those days and weeks we were together have started to become blurred with memories of other visits, like those too were just a holiday, a vacation away from my 'real life' here.  It's weird and uncomfortable.

S and I have worked so hard at being together.  We've had our ups and downs like any other couple, but we've had them 3500 miles away from each other, with an ocean between us.  There have been times when I wanted to call the whole thing off because it felt like we were never going to be in the same place at the same time ever.  Now that we're so close to being together we can almost touch it, I've half convinced myself something is going to go wrong and we'll be back to square one.  Until I'm there and I'm settled and sure, I think I'm always going to have that feeling.

I'm not a worrier.  I like to be planned and organised and know all the facts but I don't get myself worked up or stressed out about things.  I'm lucky in that sense, that I'm naturally laid-back even when stressful situations present themselves.  So I know that I've just got to wait and see what happens.  And in the meantime, get ridiculously excited about seeing S and going home for our first Christmas together!

It's so nice to get that off of my chest!  I feel much better ^_^ I'd love to know if you have anything exciting to look forward to soon.  Even if you don't, I hope you have a wonderful week.

Love, K.


  1. I was just thinking about this the other day, that you will be returning to the States soon, how exciting for you!! Are your friends and family all sad again to see you go a second time?

    I'm happy for you two that you can be together again and I hope that your trip back is uneventful and quick!

    Safe travels!!!

    - J

    1. It's so exciting ^_^ I think they're a little sad but not too much - we've been through the big goodbyes before and now that they know things are good they don't mind me heading off again!

      Fingers crossed the flight is quick and smooth ^_^

  2. Oh my gosh! Where will you be living? I mean, you don't have to reply on your blog if that's too private.. But that'd be cool if we were neighbors! Keep us posted and safe travels!!

    1. I'm going to be in New Jersey so we won't be neighbours :( but I'll be closer than I am now, so it's sort of a win!

  3. Hope your trip home has gone well!

    - J


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