Saturday 28 December 2013

What A Week.

Remember in my last post I mentioned that I was feeling 'under the weather'?  I have been sick all week.  Fortunately I'm starting to feel better now but it really sucked, being ill over Christmas.  I've spent the last week either bundled up in blankets freezing or tearing them off when I get too hot, feeling achy and tired and wanting to sleep all the time.  I'm so glad the worst is behind me and I can concentrate on getting well!

Our Christmas Eve bash was so much fun!  S' family came, as did our friends later in the evening, and we all settled in with some food and a few drinks and had a really nice time.  I was worried there might not be enough food but there was plenty to go around and everyone enjoyed it.

I'm so glad I got all the prep work done the day before!  The palmiers went down a treat and that big pan of sloppy joe was pretty much scraped clean!  Success!  We all helped ourselves, mingled around with our plates and I got to see S' brother and sister, who I haven't caught up with in months.  I put my best game face on and toughed it out even though I wanted to curl up in bed and sleep and I had a really nice time.

Look at all those prezzies!  I really felt like a kid when I woke up Christmas morning, even with all the sniffles and aches.  I was so excited to dive into our gifts and hang out with S before he had to go to work (boo retail!) This was the first Christmas Day we've actually spent together and it was so much fun being able to open our gifts in person and share such a special day with each other.  He got me so much cool stuff and I was lucky enough to get a camera from my parents!  Now I can brush up on my photography skills!

Despite being sick, I had a great first Christmas with S and it was wonderful to have family and friends together at our house.  I hope you had a wonderful week, full of celebration, happiness and surrounded by the people you love.

Love, K.

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