Wednesday 11 December 2013

And I'm Home.

I don't really like flying, especially to America; it takes around eight hours, planes are cold and cramped and landing always makes my ears hurt.  I'm amazed that I've managed to fly across the Atlantic so many times but being able to give S a huge hug makes it more than worth it.  All in all, the journey was relatively uneventful and, after a little hiccough at border control, I made it through unscathed and braced myself for the cold.

I don't do well in the cold, not at all.  I'm a summer baby, I love it when it's bright and warm and I don't have to wear a sweater going out.  So far, it's been freezing.  Literally, freezing.  There is snow and ice and all the layers in the world couldn't protect me from that wind.  I'm shivering just thinking about it.

But I'm Home.  With a capital h.  I took off my coat and boots, curled up on the sofa and soaked it in.  I've missed this place so much over the last eight weeks and now I'm back, it almost feels like I never left.  I immediately felt comfortable, at ease, relaxed and happy.

I went to bed at 9 and slept through until 6 a.m., solid.  I've spent today mostly cosied up on my couch watching the Food Network and waiting for S to get home from work so we can hang out before bowling.  I'm excited to see our friends, his family, to decorate the house and just enjoy being here.

It's going to be a wonderful week.  I hope you've got a great one planned for yourself.

Love, K.


  1. Welcome back to North America!!! Glad that your trip went well and that you're settling in nicely, a day of cozying up on the couch sounds like just the ticket! Enjoy bowling!

    - J

    1. Thanks J! It's wonderful being back, I've had such a nice time so far and I've been putting up Christmas decorations too ^_^ Hope you're having an awesome week too!


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