Friday 13 December 2013

It's Friday! #6

It's been a really awesome week so far.  Being back with S, seeing friends and getting settled back at home, I couldn't ask for more.  And we finally got our Christmas tree, which I had lots of fun setting up today.  Look at the twinkly lights!  I can't wait to get my gifts wrapped and under the tree to make it look even more festive.  I'm hoping to make a few more decorations to hang in the living room for an extra special touch.

I hope you've all had a great week, full of as much excitement as mine has been.  We're digging in for the snowstorm expected in the area over the weekend, so expect lots of snowy pictures and at least one snowman in the near future!  Have a wonderful weekend.

Love, K.


  1. So glad you've had a nice week back home! If you get a lot of snow I hope that it warms up enough for the snow to get sticky for snowmen!

    - J

    1. Thank you ^_^ It's been wonderful. The snow is falling steadily at the moment and it looks so, so pretty. Here's hoping there's enough for a snowman!

  2. Awww what a cuuute tree! Did y'all get a bunch of snow? We got a ton of slush down here in Pittsburgh, yuck! I'm a southerner, so snow just rubs me the wrong way, haha!

    Elyse @ Cuddly as a Cactus

    1. Thank you! We did get a ton of snow but the sun came out and now it's all melting and I'm predicting we're going to have a bunch of slush and ice to contend with now, ick. Not even enough for a snowman :(

  3. once the christmas is up and decorated, we finally feel like Christmas is truly here! It's hot balmy in Australia at the moment, so we can't wait to see your snowy pictures so we can experience a white Christmas through you!

    1. Thank you for your comment! It really doesn't feel like Christmas until the tree is up and the house is decorated ^_^ I hope you enjoy your lovely warm Christmas and I'll be posting pictures of the snow really soon!


I love hearing what you think ^_^ Thank you for your comment!