Tuesday 17 December 2013

Let It Snow.

In England, we get a proper snowfall maybe once a year and it's never really too major.  It usually sits two or three inches deep and more often than not it very quickly turns to ice and slush, which is never pleasant.  Hence, I wasn't quite prepared for the snow in New Jersey, both the frequency of it and the biting cold it brings too.

It was so fine and powdery that the wind made these pretty waves in it!  Unfortunately it didn't get sticky enough to make a snowman but S promises me that it'll snow again and we'll get the chance in the future.  I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing!

We did venture out onto our deck to enjoy a little bit of snow.  We threw terrible snowballs at each other, looked out at everything blanketed in white and S was daring enough to make a snow angel!

I still can't quite believe he laid down in the snow!  It was freezing cold outside so we weren't out for long, but it was nice to experience my first proper snow in America.  At the deepest, it must've been about six inches.  Crazy snow!  When we woke up the next day, most of it had melted but lucky for us, it's snowing again today.

I spied this little guy on the roof next door!  I've seen him a couple of times since so I think we have a squirrel neighbour, I hope he's keeping warm and can find all the nuts and seeds he buried.

A trip out in the snow isn't complete until you've stomped out a heart and written your initials, right?  That's what I thought.

I hope you're keeping warm and taking it easy this week.  Only 8 days until Christmas!  So excited!

Love, K.


  1. That's a nice looking snowfall! Glad you were able to enjoy it and you should try making a snow angel they're fun!

    Around here we usually don't get to make snowmen until late in winter near the beginning of spring when it starts warming up a bit and the snow gets sticky. Until then we just have mounds and mounds of solid snow! But I like everything coated in frosting anyways!


    - J

    1. Next time we get good snow, I'm definitely making a snow angel! Hopefully our next snowfall will be the proper, sticky, snowman-making kind. I love how pretty everything looks under the fresh snow ^_^ Hope you're having a great week!


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