Friday 6 December 2013

It's Friday! #5

This week was a bit of a weird one for me.  It was my last full week in England for the foreseeable future, which is scary and exciting in equal parts.  It was also the week I decided I should really start packing (I know, for someone who claims to be organised, I'm really not) and the week that I conveniently got a bit ill.  I'm still feeling a little under the weather (that sort of stuffy head, sore throat kind of poorly) but I'm in good hands; my Mum works magic with some honey, lemon and a dash of whiskey.

Gotta love a hot toddy!  It rather perked me up enough to get most of my suitcase sorted and to enjoy the time I have left at home with my family.  Here are a few little highlights from my week.

My Mum makes amazing muffins.  I made lemon poppyseed muffins earlier this year and while they were good, my Mum's were full of scrummy lemon curd too!  She also made toffee muffins, with big fudgey pieces throughout and butterscotch on the top.  Very indulgent, I'm surprised they lasted so long in our house.

Does anyone else love satsumas?  They are so yummy and I love it especially when they are super easy to peel.  Sweet and scrumptious.

I will forever adore finding cats in weird, cute positions.  Sometimes the way they sleep is so strange it's a wonder that they managed to nod off!  Wouldn't it be amazing to be able to get comfy just about anywhere?

There are some things I absolutely need for a perfect Christmas and since I won't be able to get some of them in America, I'm taking them with me.  English chocolate always makes an excellent gift too!  I can't wait to tuck into those Lebkuchen (top right), they're a German soft, spiced biscuit that immediately make me feel Christmassy (they remind me of German lessons at school, when teachers would bring us treats at Christmas time).  Yum!

I can't resist taking a picture of a pretty sky with an interesting cloud pattern.  I should really learn some more about cloud formations and the skies above, perhaps I'll ask for some reading material for Christmas!

I hope you've all had a lovely week and you've got a wonderful weekend planned.  Tonight is the mid-season finale of The Walking Dead so my Mum, brother and I are settling in to watch it with some tasty treats.  Can't wait!  What's been the highlight of your week?

Love, K.


  1. Hope you're feeling better soon! A shot of whiskey before bed at night always calms my throat if I have a cough and helps me sleep much better than cold medicine!

    Those muffins look DEE-LISH! I would love a recipe sometime down the road perhaps? ; )

    That looks to be a LOT of chocolate! The Galaxy Bubbles look something like what we call an Aero bar, have you seen them in the States? Chocolate with air bubbles in it, light and fluffy feeling!

    Should run, have to work today and clean up as we're getting MORE company again this weekend! Toodles!

    1. I am feeling better thank you ^_^ a good cosy up with a blanket and plenty of hot drinks and I'm right as rain!

      I'll definitely be snagging the recipe from my Mum and having a go at making some muffins myself. The Bubbles bars are just like Aero bars, we have those in England ^_^ not all that chocolate is for me, honest.

      More company! Wow you're busy lately! Hope you're taking some time for yourself to relax among all the hustle and bustle ^_^ have a wonderful time!


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