Friday 29 November 2013

It's Friday! #4

This week has been a quiet one for me. I've spent a lot of time making plans with S (like going to see the big Christmas tree in New York on his day off), thinking about packing my suitcase and playing video games.

Over the past few years, I've become something of a PC gamer. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those elitist PC only gamers who won't use consoles, but I find PC gaming to be so much more engrossing, so much closer.  When I have my headphones on, closed curtains and an adventure waiting,  it's a miracle if I surface for food and water once a day.

There are a few games that I've had my eye on for a while and if you're into games too, maybe you'd like to have a look and let me what you think - or better still, recommend a game to me that I can check out!


I have been a huge fan of the Broken Sword series since forever.  There are so many funny lines, incredibly tense situations and completely absorbing plot lines.  The games are point-and-click adventures, with sarcastic protagonist George Stobbart leading the way!  They are so much fun to play and the voice acting is magnificent.


I'm currently re-playing The Walking Dead - Season 1 as I played it last year and loved it.  I was so excited to hear that a second season was being released and that I'd get to continue the adventure with Clementine (the little girl you see in the picture).  This is also a kind of point-and-click, which encourages you to make decisions (you can choose to be honest or tell a lie, for example) and depending on your choices, the game changes with you.  I've never played a game quite like it, with tense, fast-paced action sequences and heart-wrenching cut scenes, it's an excellent all-rounder and I can't wait for the next lot!


Can you tell I have a bit of a thing about zombie games at the moment?  State of Decay is a post-apocalyptic survival game in which your aim is to stay alive.  Simple, right?  Wrong!  Avoiding zombie hordes while searching for food, medicine and fuel isn't easy and trying to build a new home in an undead world proves very tricky.  I've played this a little before and I was really impressed by it, so I'm hoping I'll be able to get my own copy and see how this awesome game plays out!

I'd love to know if you play video games, which ones you enjoy and which console/s you play on.  I hope you've got a happy weekend ahead!

Love, K.


  1. I've been wanting to try The Walking Dead video game! Right now me and my husband play Left For Dead (on the xbox 360). It's pretty good! I hear that in Left For Dead 2 you can have a sword, which I really want, because then I can pretend I'm the girl with the swords and zombies on leashes from The Walking Dead. AND SHE IS AWESOME. Haha.

    1. The Walking Dead, both the game and the TV show, are -so- good! Michonne is such a legend in the show. Left For Dead is loads of fun, especially when you play with someone else, like you do with your husband ^_^ Thanks for stopping by!


I love hearing what you think ^_^ Thank you for your comment!