Thursday 2 April 2015

Five Months.

Wow. Where did the time go? This bub of mine, baby V, has suddenly turned from a newborn to an infant. A chatty, wriggly, interesting infant. Whaaaaaaaat.

She babbles away constantly. She loves to make her growly monster sound, which is in part both hilarious and terrifying. She's getting better at holding on to things, reaching out to grab them and shaking them about. She's mastered the art of rolling over because she still hates tummy time and she devours fruit and vegetables like they're going out of fashion.

V is a real Mumma's girl and it's the sweetest thing. Her face lights up when we say good morning and every night she falls asleep in my arms. I see her becoming more independent every day, wanting to sit up tall, practice standing, clutching at the spoon as she opens wide for her food. But her hands also reach around my neck, her face buried in my shoulder when she is tired, wanting comfort, reassurance and love. I'm so happy to see her blossom but I will hold on tight to that drooly face, those sticky hands and sleepy grumbles that say 'I need you'.

Just one more month before she's half a year old! With the warm weather fast approaching, I know the days will fly by even more quickly and V will continue to bloom into the most lovely little lady.

I hope that you've had a great week and you're looking forward to a smashing Easter weekend!

Love, K.


  1. That happened so fast!! She is looking so cute. Yay for rolling over!

    1. I know, it boggles me to think that all that time has passed already! I'm still so impressed when she rolls over, though now she wants to sit up more than anything; it'll be a whole new world when she's sitting on her own, such fun!


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