Saturday 28 March 2015

A Little Late To The Party.

Friends, I finally took the plunge and set up an Instagram account! Hooray!

I posted my first picture a couple of days ago, with a little trepidation; honestly, I wasn't sure that I was doing it right. I know it isn't rocket science, but having never done it before I may have anxiously asked S (who was as clueless as me) 'Is this where I hashtag?', 'How do I hashtag?' and 'Do these questions make me seem ancient?'.

Thankfully, I managed to get it right and so far, I'm really enjoying the Instagram experience!  If you'd like to come and check out my account or say hello (I'd love to see if you're on Instagram too!) then just click here!  Huzzah!

Have a beautiful weekend, and take lots of pictures!

Love, K.


  1. I just had to explain to my husband how to post a picture last week! Welcome to the party. :) I've been loving the pictures!

    1. I'm glad it isn't just me who didn't know! It's such a great way to connect and thank you - I love seeing yours too!


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