Monday 13 April 2015

Green Thumbs.

For the longest time, I've wanted to have a little bit of outside space so I could grow some flowers, fruits and veggies. The idea of seeing something bloom and grow, especially being able to harvest and eat the end product, really appeals to me.

We had a fantastic deck in our first apartment which, had I been better prepared, would've been perfect for a little garden. But now we're living somewhere without our own outside space, which dampened my dreams of lush flower beds and lanky vines full of beans and tomatoes.

In an effort to make this place feel more like home and to sate my need for some greenery, we bought some house plants. Cacti and succulents, a spider plant and some ivy and some colourful, leafy gems that make me happy every time I look at them. Plants that I can tend to and learn about, being a novice when it comes to anything like this.

It's a sweet little adventure for me. I like the way they decorate my kitchen shelves and how they make it feel more homey in there. It makes me feel like we're settled, like we're going to invest some of our time and our lives here. That's pretty exciting!

I hope you're looking forward to a spectacular week!

Love, K.


  1. House plants are the one things I really suck at when it comes to gardening, i've killed so many cacti in my time.
    I think it's because I never really know when to water them and then I either drown them or suck them die! I much prefer leaving it up to mother nature!

    1. I looked for the plants with instructions on so I had an idea of what to do! It seems to be working thus far so fingers crossed. I've only ever had one cactus before and my mum ended up adopting it, it must be ten years old now. She has a knack for house plants :)

  2. Despite living in Arizona (vastly a desert land, though I live in he mountains) I always kill my cacti! But regular plants I love. You spider plant will start to sprout babies, and when they do you can put them in a cup of water and they'll grow roots over a few months and you can pot them again! I have like 10 spider plants because of that and love to gift them to people. :)

    1. I had no idea you could do that with spider plants! That's so cool :) I will be on the lookout for sprouting babies! Fingers crossed I can keep my cacti alive, I know they're surprisingly easy to kill if you over- or under-water them. Yikes.


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