Friday 10 January 2014

It's Friday! #8

This week, Friday is dedicated to the celebration of potatoes.  I love potatoes in pretty much any form; whether they are slowly baked in their jackets or sliced to make chips (both English and American kinds) they are one of my ultimate comfort foods.

Mashed potatoes remind me of home. They're nostalgic in the sense that they are the epitome of feeling comforted, cosy and full. I remember eating it as a child with fish fingers and chops, fluffy white clouds of mash with butter and milk, creamy and delicious. In more recent times, my parents would serve it with rich beef casseroles or with cold sliced meats and pickles, or with one of my favourites Toad In The Hole (Yorkshire pudding and chipolata sausages and heaps of gravy and veggies). The thought of it even now makes my mouth water.

When I moved to America, I honestly didn't think I'd miss mashed potatoes. There are so many different ways to prepare and serve the humble spud, what difference would it make to miss one out? The answer was a huge one; I missed sprinkling it with a pinch of salt and pepper, heaping it onto my fork, slicing spring onions to mix into it. But I was without a potato masher and cheap as they are, getting one wasn't high on my priority list.  So my Mum got one for me, as a special Christmas gift.

When I opened it on Christmas morning, my heart did a little happy dance; finally, I'd be able to make smooth, creamy, delicious mashed potatoes!  It's a miracle invention, taking all the hard work out of mashing by being spring loaded and having a built-in ricer to ensure all the lumps are completely gone.

I eagerly boiled my potatoes and added a healthy splash of milk and some butter, to give it that extra scrumptious taste.  Then I set to work and wow.  I had created completely smooth mashed potatoes in less than two minutes.  Seriously, it was that easy.  I couldn't wait to tuck in!

Needless to say, dinner went down a treat that night.  With some chicken and veggies in a soup-sauce, it was simply divine.  My first bite of mash actually made me smile, as though I hadn't eaten it for years.  It's so hearty and filling, now I find myself searching for other mash-related recipes, not only because it's so tasty but because I can't wait to use my masher again!

What food always brings you comfort when you eat it?  Do you like mashed potatoes?  If you do, I'd love to know how you prepare them and what you serve them with.

Love, K.


  1. Wow spring loaded!!! Mashed potatoes are quite common in Canada but I don't make them too often I prefer potatoes scalloped or with crisp edges. A favourite around here is my slow cooker BBQ pulled pork or my mac and cheese, and lasagna, love lasagna! Tonight is homemade pizza night here though!

    It's funny that you have a different kind of Toad in the Hole in England, in Canada to make Toad in the Hole you cut a hole in a slice of bread and throw it in a fry pan and crack an egg to put in the center you've cut out, you toast both sides while frying the egg in the centre and it's called Toad in the Hole! Funny how there are two of them!

    - J

    1. You have great comfort foods. I am always a sucker for mac and cheese and I make lasagna at least once a week since it's S' favourite meal ever. Yay for homemade pizza, it's always so much more delicious when you prepare it yourself!

      How funny that our Toad In The Hole's are completely different! I've never had it as fried bread and egg, that sounds so tasty though, definitely going to have a bash at making that ^_^

  2. That is the most epic potato masher of all time. I broke my last masher because I was too eager to eat and the potatoes weren't cooked enough. Fail!

    1. Aw no! I can understand the urgency for mashed potatoes though. It truly is totally epic. I've already eaten so much mash. Yay carbs!

  3. Even though I'm American, I can't imagine life without potatoes. When I lived with my family, we had them in some form every meal. My mom is from an Irish family, so missing potatoes is a no-no! So of course mashed potatoes is one of my favorite foods (and chips (both kinds), and twice-baked, and hash browns, and home fries-- the list goes on).

    My comfort food is cheeses of all kinds! I know it's typical of an American to say they love cheese, but I reeaaally love cheese. Even the really pungent kinds. So anything with cheese in it is sure to make my day!

    Elyse @ Cuddly as a Cactus

    1. Oh my goodness, cheese is pretty much my favourite food. Especially with potatoes (who doesn't love a good ole baked potato with a sprinkle of cheese on top? Yum!) but like you, anything with cheese on is a winner in my book. Yes for potatoes and cheese!

  4. Woah. I need that. I've been obsessed with mashed potatoes practically since birth. I legitimately asked to have mashed potatoes for dinner for my first birthday.

    Ladyface Blog

    1. That is awesome ^_^ You clearly had excellent food taste as a one-year-old!


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