Wednesday 22 January 2014

It Snowed. Again.

See that?  With the howling winds and the powdery fine snow, our deck is covered in a whole foot of it!  I've never seen snow this deep before, especially two lots so close to one another!  I hear that there might be even more snow next week, due to another polar vortex.  That sounds like it should be a movie on the SciFi channel.

So when it's ridiculously cold outside and there is snow everywhere, what to do?  Personally, my two favourite things to do to keep me toasty are baking and crafting and I did both of those things today!

I saw this great post over on Beks' blog and I just had to bake a loaf of bread.  I baked rolls last year and I figured it was time to give a proper loaf a go.  I haven't baked bread from scratch in years, not since I was in school.  I followed this recipe and adjusted it so that I'd be making one loaf, waited impatiently for my dough to rise and excitedly pulled it out of the oven, hoping against hope that it hadn't burned on the bottom.

It turned out beautifully!  I love that little 'knock knock' on the bottom, the hollow sound that tells you it's properly cooked.  I'm letting it cool a little before slicing it and I'll wait until S gets home from work to serve it toasted with lots of butter, yum!

I also finally finished the throw/blanket/big crocheted circle I've been working on for ages!  I noticed last night when I was in bed that even though the heating was on, I still felt a little bit chilly (I'm not used to this cold weather, I need me some sunshine and heat!) so I thought that today I'd get it all done and snuggle up under it tonight!

I'm so pleased that I got it finished and that it actually turned out pretty well!  I'm also jazzed that it's so big; the stars at the left of the picture mark the bottom of our bed and the stars on the right are where our pillows are.  It very almost is the same width as our bed too, so I know that it's going to be a nice, warm, cosy extra layer while we battle through the super cold nights.  It doesn't match anything else in our house and I love it!  And since it's all finished, I can officially say that one of my 'home crafts' for the year is complete!  Woo!

Is it snowing where you are?  What's the weather like?  I'd love to know what you've been up to this week!

Love, K.


  1. We have a ton of snow here too! Haven't had any this week yet but we're in for more this weekend. Today it was -35ish Celsius so -30ish Fahrenheit and windy, very chilly! But tomorrow is supposed to be a little warmer than today so hoping for the best!

    Your throw looks great and wow that is big!! You will love snuggling under that on the cold days! I need to get into making bread. My mom has a bread maker that she doesn't use so I'm hoping she'll let me have it hahaha but who knows I need to get into baking more!

    - J

    1. It does make me giggle when you say that minus 30 F is 'very chilly', I think I'd freeze to death in that kind of cold! It's nowhere near that cold here and I'm refusing to step foot outside the house! I admire how resilient you are when it comes to the cold weather, I wish I could handle it half as well!

      I'm so thrilled with my throw, thank you for your kind words! It really helped last night, it kept my feet lovely and warm ^_^ Fingers crossed you get your hands on that bread maker, there's nothing better than the smell of freshly baked bread wafting through the house.

    2. Just realized I never responded to this! It makes me laugh when you say you giggle about it hahaha it might seem crazy cold and I assure you it definitely is cold but you soon learn to live with it when you are up here. You'd do fine with it I'm sure, you just need to bundle up when you go outside is all! And while we all complain about the cold up here we love to pride ourselves on how cold it gets in a way! It becomes a game of how cold can it get so that we can brag all summer long about how cold it was in the winter! Quite fun really!

  2. Yowza, who knew a snow day could be so productive! Maybe we'll get some snow in Seattle so I can catch up on some things! Haha!

    Becca | Ladyface Blog

    1. Haha, thank you! To be fair, I did have to force myself to get out from under a big cosy blanket, stop watching The Food Network and do some stuff ^_^ And today is going to be completely unproductive as a treat for yesterday ;)

  3. It's snowing like mad again here in Michigan. :/
    Another polar vortex?! Ohh geeze. Yet people claim global warming (aka climate change) doesn't exist. Pff.
    Gorgeous throw blanket!
    My boyfriends dad actually made bread yesterday too, homemade is the best!


    1. Homemade bread is absolutely the best, especially when it's still warm from the oven, yum! Fingers crossed you don't get too much snow, it always looks so pretty when it's fresh but then it turns to ice and yuck.

  4. Looks like a relaxing and wonderful day. I have never seen real snow so I am super jealous.

    1. I'd never seen proper snow before I moved to America either, just the odd inch or two in England. It's so pretty but such a nightmare at the same time!

  5. I'm so not about snow! I can't stand it! Yes, it's pretty but I get cabin fever so bad it drives me crazy! I feel for all my friends up north! Stay warm!
    Your bread looks delicious and it makes me want to bake some bread this weekend. I don't think I've ever attempted baking bread before! I've made pretzels and pizza dough but never a loaf of bread. I hope mine turns out as pretty as yours ^__^

    1. We're doing our best to stay toasty warm ^_^ I can't wait for all the snow to melt already although we're getting some more tomorrow -_- Not cool. Bread is super easy to bake, it takes time to knead and prove but it's so worth it when you have a gorgeous crusty loaf. Can't wait to see it!

  6. Looks like you've been really productive! That loaf looks great. We've been getting a lot of snow here too and I am counting down the days until it's summer again :)

    1. The summer sun is calling my name, I can't wait for it to warm up! Hope the snow isn't causing you too many problems!


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