Monday 25 November 2013

Staying True.

Purple chucks for purple month

I've been blogging for several years now, on different platforms, trying really hard to find the little niche made for me to fit comfortably into.  Over and over, I fall into that horrible trap of conforming to other conventions, of writing a certain way or about certain things because that's what everyone else does.  I have the occasional twinge of envy when I read other blogs and see how pretty they are, how meaningful and fun their posts are and I can't help compare myself to it.

I read this post over on Elyse's blog and she hit the nail right on the head for me;  I am not those people. While I love looking at DIYs for floral headbands and beautiful pictures of walks through the wood, you're more likely to find me with my hair scruffed back into a ponytail, curled up on the sofa watching Adventure Time.  And that's okay.

I love to bake, even when it doesn't come out quite how I wanted it to.  I get urges to crochet like a madwoman but rarely complete a project.  Music is my first love, though creating with my hands is a close second.  If I'm not wearing my headphones, there's something sorely amiss.  I work hard to improve at crafting but I often feel stuck.  I love watching T.V. shows and films that are aimed at children, or anything animated.  I wear bright colours that don't tend to match but always make me smile.   If I could, I'd walk everywhere but at the same time, having a car is -so- convenient.  I could easily live in Michaels.  I find being inspired hard work.  I love hot tea and iced tea but not mint tea, blech.  I can be playful and whimsical with the best of them, but more often than not I'm the planner, the prepared one, absolutely sensible.  I'm cool with this.

This comparing, it needs to stop, for my own sanity more than anything.  Blogging is so much fun, an amazing way to share my interests and meet wonderful new people.  It's a chance for me to explore, to discover and to vocalise.  While I'm happy with my posts so far, I can feel myself leaning a certain way with what I should and shouldn't write, and I don't want that to be the case.  So here's to making my blog exactly what I want it to be.

Do you ever get that sort of feeling?  I'd love to know how you overcame it.

Love, K.


  1. I'm glad I made my way over to your blog and read this today. I do have this feeling...both with my blog and in life and it's something that I'm constantly trying to overcome. I can't say that I really have any advice for you but I do sympathize for sure. I think people can tell when someone is really being true to themselves in their blog. Those are the blogs that I, anyways, want to read.

    And side note, I have about 100 unfinished crochet projects too! I'm not even sure I've ever finished one but I sure have started a lot :)

    1. Thank you for your comment ^_^ It's good to know that other people are in the same boat!

      The blogs I love to read are the ones that come from the heart and that you know the author loves writing. That's the kind of blog I want to have and I'm really working towards that with every post.

      I have so many projects on the go at the moment >.< I really need to make a list and get them finished!

  2. It's such a conundrum, right? It's difficult not kind of fall into what others are doing. Such is the human condition, I suppose. It's easy to lose yourself by wishing you were those types of people, but I like the person I am! And that should show through in blog posts, I think! I watched a TED talk this morning that talked about how a lot of discomfort comes from trying to be the person you wish you were, rather than being the person you ARE. I'm gonna really try to take that to heart and work on finding out exactly who I am!

    Here's to both of us embracing our non-woodsprite selves! Haha!

    1. I have a fear that I'm going to look back at my writing one day and think 'I was never that person...O_o' when all I really want to be is me. Because I like who I am too! It's a weird sensation, to feel like you should alter certain parts of yourself to fit the standard. Not any more!

      We are not woodsprites, but we are dang awesome! Here's to us being us indeed!

  3. Fantastic post. You should always be yourself. Over the years of blogging I've felt the pressures to start posting certain types of posts because "that's what other bloggers were doing". Fashion posts, super-personal posts, youtube videos. But in the end, that's not me. My go-to style is a t-shirt with a cardigan. I like to craft and build things. And that's what I enjoy posting about. People will love you for your honesty. It's always obvious when a blogger is just posting something to fit the norm. Been there myself. Cheers to being you!


    1. Thank you Allison ^_^ It's an odd thing, isn't it, that self-induced pressure to fit in and do what everyone else is doing. I -love- seeing who people really are, what inspires them and gets them passionate. Why wouldn't other people want to see that from me? I do have to remind myself sometimes that my blog is a space for me to write about what I love and to be who I truly am. And when I do remember, it's kind of liberating ^_^ Cheers to being ourselves!

  4. Amen. Sometimes the blogs that have these amazing pictures of fantastic things that companies send them sends me into a jealous rage, especially when they maybe write a word a post. But you just have to remember that there is a spot for everyone on the interwebs.

    xo Ashley

    1. Exactly! The internet is huge and there is plenty of room for all of us and our own lovely personalities ^_^

  5. Lovely words to read! I have been a fan of your blog for a while now and getting to know you has been a nice treat that blogging has brought me so please don't change to be something or someone else!

    I think that if a blog feels like work that it isn't true to you. Write about what you feel like, when you feel like it, and take pictures to remember your life and savour moments not so that you have something to post on the blog.

    This past weekend was so much fun that not once did I stop and think, "wow what am I going to write on the blog?" or "are my blog readers missing me?" and I do not think that it is coincidence that it was the most fun I have had in a while. When a blog ties you down or keeps you from having fun in your actual LIFE, not just the record of it, than something is wrong!

    Keep posting the things you find cool and do it when you want to, not when you think others are expecting you to. We'll read when you write, and when you don't we won't be crushed or angry with you we'll figure that you're out doing something awesome and loving your life!

    Have a great Tuesday!

    - J

    1. Thank you so much J ^_^ Your comment really made me smile! It's so kind of you to be so sweet about my blog and my writing.
      The last thing I want is for my blog to become like a chore to me. I want it to be somewhere fun for me and for the lovely people who read it! Yes, it's like a little online diary for me to talk about the things I love and my more interesting days, but I won't let it get in the way of actually living ^_^ Promise!
      I'm so glad to hear you had a wonderful weekend - I'm about to hop over to your blog to see what you've been up to ^_^

    2. Oh and I forgot to say I love your Chucks!


I love hearing what you think ^_^ Thank you for your comment!