Saturday 8 February 2014

The Little Things.

My day-to-day life, like most people, is kind of humdrum.  That's not a complaint, far from it; I love how easy things are for me, how I get to do as I please in my own time and apart from doing some housework, I can relax and indulge myself with my favourite things.

Sometimes I forget to appreciate how good things are for me right now.  I'm on my own a lot, since S is out working hard for us, and I can find myself feeling bored and a bit sorry for myself.  Sounds silly, but I can get into this mopey mood where I wander around the apartment, looking for things to do and when I realise that actually, there's nothing to do right now, I veg out in front of the T.V. and spend endless hours watching The Food Network.  Poor me, right?

I feel like I need to remind myself how lucky I am.  I've had the most amazing opportunity to live in another country, with someone who is so special to me I can't even begin to put it into words.  I need to remember to really appreciate the little things, to treasure the moments I have right now because who knows what will happen tomorrow?  To pull myself out of my weird little funk and think 'Things are so brilliant right now.  This is a great moment.'  Moments like these -

- settling in for an afternoon of reading a great book and munching on extra strong mints (they are really minty and so, so good).

- getting the hugest box of chocolates I have ever seen at a giveaway. Holy moly.

- hanging out with this cutie for the afternoon.

- finding these!  In England, these are called Maltesers and I had such a craving for them recently.  I didn't think they existed here.  So chuffed.

- catching this little rainbow on a traffic sign, reflecting the lights from the cars passing by.  Too pretty not to take a picture of.

What great moments did you enjoy this week?  I hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

Love, K.


  1. Cute post! We have both Maltesers and Whoppers here in Canada, I personally favour the Whoppers if I'm craving a malted candy, glad you found some there!

    - J

    1. I'd never had Whoppers before, I find them a little bit salty (which I quite like!) though I have to say Maltesers will always win for me ^_^

  2. All that candy is getting my sweet tooth going. I can't believe the size of that box of chocolates!!!

    Becca | Ladyface Blog

    1. I know, it's gigantic! Here's to not buying chocolate for the next six months :p

  3. I love this post because it's hard for me to snap out of the bad parts of my day, so it's always good to have reminders that shift my focus to all the good stuff (no matter how big or small) that happen.

    1. I'm always surprised at how easy it is to only think about the sucky parts and let the good bits fade. Reminders of all the awesome stuff helps shift the balance a little bit ^_^


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