Sunday 16 February 2014

A View From The Week.

It's been a week of adventures and fun.  S was lucky enough to get four days off from work and we'd decided to take a short trip to Philadelphia (oh how I wanted to run up the Rocky steps!) but unfortunately the snow scuppered our plans.  We spent our days snuggled up on the couch, making trips to the grocery store and spoiling ourselves with delicious food.  We stayed warm when it was cold, braved the weather to make a trip to New York and took our friends out for a night of dinner and drinks.

Super spicy noodles that kept us warm while watching Thor on a freezing cold day.

A pipe burst downstairs so we had to turn the water off and I needed to wash my hair.  Solution?  Melting snow in a saucepan!

Crossing the bridge to the big city.

Ordering sushi and dumplings for dinner.  The maraschino cherry really made my day!  There are days I get such a craving for cucumber and avocado sushi and it must be sated.  Yum!

All in all, I'd say it's been a busy but awesome week.  S is back at work now and it feels weird not having him the house already.  I'm glad we made the most of every minute of his short vacation, and I can't wait for the next time he has a few days off so that we can go on an even bigger adventure.

Did you have a wonderful week?  How did you spend your weekend?

Love, K.


  1. That stinks that you didn't get to run up the Rocky steps! It's so much fun (and the museum is awesome) ^__^ At least you were able to get out for a bit and head into New York! I bet that was nice. I hope your water came back! I'm just glad the snow has melted out here in Georgia! It was starting to get unbearable but now, I think the weather is supposed to warm up. Ugh...hurry up Spring! xo

    1. Oh my gosh yes please to Spring already! I hope that we're through the worst of it but we're due another 2-4 inches of snow tomorrow (groan) I can't wait for it to be warm and snow-free! We're definitely going to visit Philadelphia as soon as we can and I'll definitely have to pop into the museum there too!

  2. Looks like it's been a week packed full of adventures and misadventures! Brilliant solution to the burst pipe situation! Hope this week brings you just as much fun!

    - J

    1. I think you summed it up very nicely there J! I've never had to wash my hair in snow-water before, it was quite an experience ^_^ I have a feeling this week is going to be absolutely cracking!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. It was really great, I feel lucky that S finally had some time off so we could spend it together ^_^

  4. Man, I should have eaten before I looked at this post. Now I'm hungry! What a smart lady you are to melt snow to wash your hair!

    Becca | <a href=">Ladyface Blog</a>

    1. Didn't mean to make you hungry, sorry! Snow was all we had on hand and it worked like a charm - it has its uses after all!


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