Tuesday 10 September 2013


Things have been pretty quiet around these parts lately, and I think I like it.  Sometimes, S and I go out for trips around the state, explore new places and have little, day-long adventures that sate our appetite for discovery.  Sometimes, we stay in, watch too much T.V. and eat delicious foods that are, really, quite bad for you but oh so good too.

The past few days we've been home bodies, only venturing out to pick up a few groceries or to go to work, do laundry and infamous beer runs.  We watched a lot of football and mourned the Giants losing their first game of the season (I wore a Manning jersey for luck, but I don't think that worked out so well).

Nicely photobombed by our lovely neighbour
We played beer pong (something we don't play in England) and I was pleasantly surprised to be announced the new holder of the beer pong title belt.  All those years of netball training finally paid off!

Slightly blurry but hey, it was beer pong after all

After the triumph and subsequent recovery of the beer pong tournament and the sadness of zero wins so far, we decided the best way to boost morale and fill our empty stomachs was to take my first trip to Sonic, something else we don't have in England.  A drive-in burger joint, like a drive-in movie.  Super exciting.

I perused the menu for an eternity.  Everything looked so good and my grumbling stomach was crying out for something delicious, filling and full of everything you shouldn't eat.  I opted for a bacon cheeseburger (because everything is better with bacon) and the most decadently sinful milkshake I've ever had in my life.

This delightful mix of chocolate and peanut butter completely satisfied me, right down to my core.  For starters, it smelled delicious (I have a habit of smelling everything I eat before I chow down.  I figure eating is a pleasure for all the senses and if it smells good, you know it's going to taste even better.) and for it to be topped so luxuriously with whipped cream, a swirl of peanut buttery goodness and a maraschino cherry made my heart skip a happy beat.

A feast for the eyes and for my tummy.  I was so, so full.  Utterly content.  And I got to cross off another of my 'American stuff to do in America' items from my list.  I've yet to master being able to tie a cherry stalk in a knot in my mouth, but every time I get to sink my teeth into one of those neon red beauties, I always have a go.  You kind of have to.  Can you do it?

I hope your weekend and the start of your week have been wonderful, whether you ventured outside or stayed in and cosy.

Love, K.


  1. Everything IS better with bacon! We just had a cookout at our place the other day and did burgers with bacon and all other sorts of toppings and it was delicious.

    Sadly I cannot tie a cherry stem with my tongue, though to be fair I have never tried. I don't eat all that many cherries really since they don't grow here we have to import them from other provinces in the summer.

    Nice to see some of your recent adventures, congrats on the beer pong title!

    - J

    1. Bacon is so delicious, which makes it even weirder that S refuses to eat it.

      I don't tend to eat cherries either, but I can't resist the bright red ones on top of shakes!

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  2. This post had me laughing so much...you've gone from sweet little crafty girl to partying American. :P hahaha

    It's so interesting to see you try things that I'm so used to, like Sonic milkshakes! I don't actually eat them because I'm allergic to most of the ingredients, but still, it's so normal to me!

    1. I know, I was determined to stay English but I've already gone a little bit native ;) Well, you have to get stuck in, don't you!

      It's so exciting to go somewhere new, even though it's usually somewhere S has been so many times before ^_^


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