Wednesday 18 September 2013

In The Kitchen.

Do you ever wake up with the overwhelming desire to make things?  One of my first thoughts this morning was 'I should really make a some bread.', so that's exactly what I did.

I like that making bread is a little labour of love.  Activating the yeast, kneading the dough, waiting patiently for it to rise.  It takes time and elbow grease.  You put the work in and it always yields delicious results (even if it doesn't always quite turn out how you expect).  And there are few things I adore as much as the smell of baking bread completely filling my apartment.

Rising in the sunshine.
I used two cups of flour for my dough and loosely followed a recipe (I really need to stop eyeballing things but it's such a lot of fun) so my ball of dough turned out to be rather itty bitty.  I decided that, rather than making a teeny loaf of bread, I'd portion it up into bite-size rolls and bake mouthfuls of yum.

Thankfully, I remembered to move the oven rack up and while the bases of my tiny rolls were slightly darker, they didn't burn!  They were delightfully brown on top, slightly crisp with a rather dense centre.  I let one cool slightly before breaking it open, spreading on butter and a little drizzle of honey.  Scrumptious.

And while the bread was rising, before we settled in to watch 'The Mighty Ducks' (have you seen that movie?  It was my first viewing and I was cheering at the end!), I decided to whip up some pancakes.  Without milk, since we are completely out of milk.

I used two cups of all purpose flour, two tablespoons of canola oil, two eggs, half a cup of water, half a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of baking soda and about half a cup of sugar (I have a very sweet tooth).  I found this made a nice, ribbony batter, especially after I left it to sit for a couple of minutes as the frying pan heated.  They were fluffy and sweet and tasted a little like bit like sponge cake, which was quite a pleasant surprise.  We drizzled them with maple syrup, hung out on the sofa and rooted for the underdogs.

It's been a good day making yummy treats.  Have you made anything wonderful today?

Love, K.


  1. Haha, thank you! Wait until I reveal my peanut butter cookies ;) super noms.

  2. Sounds like a great way to start the day!

    1. It really was, especially since it was a little chilly outside ^_^ thanks for stopping by.

  3. It was SO chilly here today! Wish I had been home making bread instead of having to be out and about!

    1. It's a real luxury to not have anywhere else to be, so I thought I'd take full advantage of it ^_^

  4. ah, i love the smell of fresh dough! making bread is so fun, i will be doing lots more this season. the pancakes look wonderful as well!

    lindsey louise

    1. It's such a lot of fun to bake as the season changes, the perfect time of year for bread and cakes ^_^ Thank you for stopping by!

  5. Oh wow, that looks really good. I've never made bread, but I've always wanted to try it.

    1. Thank you so much ^_^ making bread is very simple and lots of fun and I guarantee it will make your home smell wonderful!

  6. This time of year I always get into the baking mood. I made banana bread the other day, yummy!

    1. I really need to have a bash at making banana bread, it's two of my favourite foods combined ^_^


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