Thursday 5 September 2013

New York.

I love the city, and that surprises me.

For three years, during my studies at university, I lived in London and I couldn't stand it. The hustle and bustle that was so much fun, so exciting for my fresh-out-of-school, 18-year-old self, very quickly faded when combined with the tireless noise, the impatience of traffic and the general misery of the public. After a year, I couldn't wait to be back in my home town, near wide open spaces and people who smiled at you rather than scowling. Granted, I have been back for visits and found the place to be pleasantly tolerable. But I really thought I would hate New York.

It is the stuff that dreams are made of. Sure, it's noisy and the people aren't always great, but there is something magical about it. Seeing places in person that I'd only ever seen on TV, eating new and incredible food from street vendors, craning my neck to attempt the impossible and see the tops of buildings. It felt like I could never see it all, that I could spend days, weeks, months just exploring and there would always be something new to experience.  And it's true; while the city feels so familiar to me now, I can never truly know all of it. It's pretty awesome. 
{Peach Snapple...You are my one weakness}
Every time I go, I get that same thrill of excitement as I exit the subway and get my first glance of the city. The rush of sound that greets you is deafening and all you can see is the street full to bursting with busy people; dressed in suits and skirts, briskly walking to meetings or in shorts with cameras idly hung around their necks, absorbing the full NYC tourist experience.  Strolling down the block, those famous yellow cabs bumper-to-bumper in the midday traffic, the glare of the sun from windows in structures that tower above you.  The delight of stumbling across a spot of nature in the concrete, the oddity of flowers and trees blooming and living amidst the grey.

I don't think I could ever live in a city like New York, not after becoming so disillusioned with London.  NYC holds a very special place in my heart and I don't want anything to tarnish it's pretty, bustling, vibrant reputation.  S and I have only been twice since I moved and while I like that not going so often keeps our little outings special, when we leave I always have a hankering to go right back and enjoy it all over again.  After all, as Thomas Wolfe said, 'One belongs to New York instantly, one belongs to it as much in five minutes as in five years' and I think it's kind of true.  You take a part of the city with you and you leave a part behind.  Perhaps that is why it is so stunningly vivid, so diverse, so full.

Do you have a favourite city?

Love, K.


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog and welcome to the United States!

    My favorite city is also NYC. Something about it refreshes me every time I go. I've gone on two vacations there with my boyfriend (not to mention countless visits with my grandparents there as a kid) and I can't say I've been anywhere more inspiring than NYC.

    I do love my hometown of Richmond, Virginia, though. It's really charming in an understated kind of way. And I'm enjoying my own fresh start in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania!

    Elyse @ Cuddly as a Cactus

    1. Thank you for the warm welcome!

      I really want to see more of America, to travel to the other big cities and see what each one has to offer.

      I love my hometown too, there will never be anywhere quite so special :) And yay for fresh starts!

  2. You have a lovely style of writing, very easy to read. I can't say I have a favourite city per se, but I do have a favourite place in general and that would be home, Saskatchewan. You should come visit it sometime, it's not a hustle and bustle kind of place but it has the most beautiful wide open spaces and a spectacular sky.

    - J

    1. Thank you, that's very kind of you to say :) For a long time I've wanted to visit Canada, to see the beauty I have heard so much about. I think you may have sold me on our first stop, when we finally make it.

  3. I want to visit New York SO bad! It seems like a place I would love as well.

    1. It is -such- a wonderful place. Busy and bright without being too stifling, a touch difficult to navigate but worth getting lost in (you always manage to find your way back somehow). If you get the chance, definitely take a trip.


I love hearing what you think ^_^ Thank you for your comment!