Monday 2 March 2015

Four Months.

She's getting too big to sleep on my chest and it kills me. As I write this, she's snoozing away, her head resting close to my shoulder, those long, skinny legs of hers tucked up on my tummy. She's taken to wrapping her arms around us when she rests, cuddling us back. I can feel her fingers as they gently curl and relax, grabbing my t-shirt in her tiny hand. She always sleeps with her mouth open, little stirs accompanied by little grumbles as she repositions, getting comfortable. The sound of her soft, steady breathing is so soothing. If only I could hold her like this forever.

Her head doesn't wobble as much as it used to; in fact, the wobble has almost disappeared. She takes so much joy in standing on my lap, feet pressing firmly on my legs, as though she's convinced she could balance on her own. She's rolling over pretty well, which stems from the fact that she loves tummy time for about five minutes, then deeply hates it. She also loves to look at books, play with her squishy cube and she scoffs baby rice like a pro. Eating is her favourite thing, followed closely by sleeping. She's just like her Mumma in that respect!

She's growing ridiculously fast; something that fit her last week is now just a little too small, just a smidge too tight. She recently discovered that splashing in the bath is actually quite fun. She likes it when we sing to her, especially the made-up nonsense songs, accompanied by funky dance moves. When she first wakes up in the morning, she does the biggest stretch I've ever seen, followed by a smile that melts me every single time. Truly, there is nothing better than having her see me and crack into a giant grin. It's the best feeling in the world.

My baby girl is four months old. A third of a year. While it feels like she's always been here, I've no idea where all the time has gone. Soon she'll be crawling, eating exciting new foods, talking. The days race by, taking us with them, thousands of memories left in their wake. I'm excited for all the new memories to come, all the milestones she'll reach. But for now, I'm just happy to have her sleeping on my chest, still able to fit, snug and safe and perfect.

Love, K.


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