Friday 20 February 2015

Flu And Teef.

So friends, this last week has been a bit of a washout. Poor baby V was ill over the weekend with a cold and a tickly cough (which thankfully cleared up pretty sharpish) and while she recovered from said cold, she decided that I should probably have a cold too, only my cold turned into flu. Thanks for that, cutie pie.

Not that I could be mad, look at that face!
Not only did I get hot-and-cold, runny nose, achey bones ill, V's gums started to pain her. While no
teeth have actually sprouted through yet, I can see them lurking beneath the surface and they must be really, really sore. I'm sure we all know what it's like having a sore tooth, I can't imagine how uncomfortable it must be for her. I knew it was going to be hard work being poorly and taking care of the bub, but having her go through some tooth-growing as well has made it doubly tough.

Thankfully, it looks like I'm breaking through the worst of it and V is sleeping well, so I'm hoping the weekend will be a bit happier in our home. And I'm trying to look on the bright side, like being able to stay in my pjs all day and having S buy me discounted Valentine's sweeties to cheer me up. Yum.

I hope you have an excellent, and healthy, weekend!

Love, K.

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