Monday 28 July 2014

Getting My Read On.

One of the goals I set myself this year was to read 24 books.  Since January, I've only managed to finish six.  Before the beginning of last week, I'd only read four.  As someone who would call herself a bookworm, I've been sadly lacking on the reading front and I realised I'd been restricting myself; I was holding out to read something new, that I'd never read before, rather than diving into the familiar world of stories I'd already consumed and the books we already owned.

I also realised that most of the books we had, including those I'd brought with me from England, I'd only read once.  So I got stuck in, rediscovering the terrors of the Martians and the brutality of both human and Triffid alike.  Escaping from the science fiction, I'm currently immersed in two stories that run parallel, of a man searching for a link to his ancestry and the history of his family.

It's such a joy to be back in both familiar and unfamiliar territory; there are so many aspects of each novel that I'd forgotten or perhaps glossed over on the first read.  While I recalled the stories, I relished the details as new and thoroughly enjoyed the hours I spent engrossed in the pages.  It was like I'd forgotten just how much I loved to read and in this last week, I've remembered.

I think for the foreseeable future, between house-hunting and the other day-to-day, I'm going to be found curled up on the sofa with a cup of tea, nose firmly buried in some wonderful work of fiction!  Do you love to read?  What have you read lately that you've really enjoyed?

You know what else I love about re-reading books?  Finding things you've tucked between the pages for safekeeping, like this picture of me and the lead singer of my favourite band!  This must've been taken six or seven years ago and you know, I still have the hat, scarf and jacket that I was wearing there.  It was such a great moment, I was thrilled to find the photo again.  Ahh, memories!

Love, K.


  1. Oh I love HG Wells so War of the Worlds is one of my favorite books of all time. It's rare that I actually reread books, but that it one I could read many a time for sure!

    1. It's a cracking good read, I think on second reading it's definitely made it into my top ten! I wish I'd brought my collection of his short stories with me now, I could do with another dose.


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