Wednesday 7 May 2014

Being Outside.

It's no secret that I adore the warmer months of the year.  Being a bit of a cold soul, winter is the bane of my existence and it's felt like I haven't been warm for the last four months.  Finally, spring is in the air and here to stay and I'm loving every second of it; just the other day, it was warm enough for me to go out in shorts and a t-shirt and I did a little happy dance.  It's such a joy to not worry about wrapping up in layers and to soak up the sunshine.

Now that Pearl is all vaccinated and ready to go, we've been taking her out for lovely long walks.  Taking her leash down from the coat hook is enough to send her into a tizzy of excitement and her joy is infectious.  I admit, I'm a bit of a homebody; I can stay inside for days at a time and not even start to go stir-crazy.  Since we've been taking our walks, I feel like that's changed somewhat.  I look forward to our little adventures around the neighbourhood, exploring new streets, meeting new people and their pups and taking the time to breathe in all that fresh air.  Plus it absolutely tuckers little Pearl out and there's nothing cuter (and quieter) than a snoozing puppy!

The tree in our back garden finally has leaves on it!  It seems like it happened overnight, I glanced out of the kitchen window and boom, leafy green and full of life.  So much nicer to look at than a bare, barren bundle of sticks.

Are you enjoying the weather?  Is it getting warmer where you are or is it starting to cool down?  I hope no matter what it's a beautiful day for you and you've got lots of awesome things going on.

Love, K.


  1. Spring has finally been coming to my town as well! Though sadly there is snow in the forecast for today. :( But it's supposed to get warm again in a day or two, just the normal spring snow! I'm ready for it to be warm all the time!

    1. Aww, I hope it was only a tiny sprinkle of snow (if any at all) and I hope that the warmth and the sunshine comes back super quickly! I'm so glad the weather is nice, it's about time!


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