Tuesday 27 May 2014

A Memorable Memorial Weekend.

Since S isn't working so many evening shifts now, we have the awesome opportunity to sit together for dinner and enjoy each other's company at the end of the day.  It's really, really nice since I enjoy cooking and when it's just me on my own, I tend to lack the desire to cook properly and end up eating noodles for the eighth day running.

It's been a beautiful weekend, a real hint at the warmth of the summer that's due to come this year.  We spent a considerable portion of it outside on the deck or taking Pearl for walks, staying out of the sun at the hottest time of day since I burn easily.

The rest of the time, we were inside making delicious food because that's how we do.  S was off on Sunday so we decided on a traditional roast dinner with all the trimmings, just like my parents make every Sunday.  It doesn't matter how hot it is outside, it's never too hot for roast chicken, potatoes, veggies and stuffing.  Not to mention the Yorkshire puddings, which tasted just like they do at home.  SO GOOD.

Since Monday was Memorial Day and I knew the neighbours would all be having BBQs, we figured we'd have our own little oven-Q and cooked up some chicken sausages, pasta and salad.  I couldn't quite manage the second chicken-dog but I sure tucked into the rest and after taking Pearl out for a post-dinner walk, I just about squeezed in some jelly (or jell-o, as it is in America) that I made with sparkling water and loaded with strawberries.  Om nom nom.

The best thing about this weekend, though, was that S and I decided it was time to let you guys in on a little bit of news we've been holding on to.

We're having a baby!

Currently I'm a week over 4 months pregnant and getting rounder every day!  We found out a couple of months ago but wanted to keep it under wraps for a while, since we were getting used to the idea and letting our family and friends know first.  We're both really excited (and a little bit terrified) to be on the road to becoming parents and I'm really happy that I can document my journey here as a reminder of such a huge adventure!

How was your Memorial weekend?  I hope that whatever you did, you had a fantastic time and that you've got a wonderful week ahead of you!

Love, K.


  1. Congrats on having a baby - how exciting for the both of you!

    My long weekend was pretty boring, but nice and restful all the same!

    1. Thank you ^_^ we're both pretty chuffed!

      I'm glad that you were able to take it easy over the weekend - restful days are so, so lovely.

  2. Thank you for your very kind comment, I'll be stopping over at your blog to say hello!

  3. Ahhhh, this is so exciting! Congrats!

    Aside from that exciting news, the food all looks so yummy! That awesome that he isn't working nights, My husband recently switched to working later until 10pm, and I got a new job and usually go to work at 4, so our dinners together have been suffering. Luckily there is still breakfast/early lunch to spend together!

    Again, congrats on the baby, I'm excited for you!

    1. Thank you so much! We're totes excited too ^_^ It can get pretty dull when I'm on my own all evening so I really try to make the effort when I know he's home and we can have dinner and hang out and stuff. Gotta get that meal together in!


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