Monday 31 August 2015

Oh, September.

{From Autumn last year}
As much as I love the summer months, the long days with nothing but blue skies and sunshine, it gets to a point where I have simply had enough. The end of summer isn't a negative for me any more, but rather an easing of the seasons into a cooler, more comfortable atmosphere, with changing colours and brisk breezes and cardigans. Ahh, cardigans!

I know it'll be a few weeks still until I'm even considering pulling out the layers but knowing that it's just around the corner makes my heart happy. It means longer walks with the pup and the babe, more time outside when it isn't blazing hot, cups of coffee that aren't laden with ice. It means the leaves will start to turn and crisp and crunch beneath our feet. It means peace from the thrum of the air conditioner and baking bread and hopefully a pie or two.

September used to be a return to school, the start of the cold days and dark afternoons. Now I'm appreciating it a little bit more for all the goodness it brings!

Love, K.


  1. Ditto on the appreciation for more cooler days, not that Michigan is playing ball with that at the moment! I noticed that some of the leaves are starting to change too, while I love the fall colours, I don't think i'm ready for all the leaf raking any time soon!

    1. It's still boiling here too! Mind you, I know I'll miss the warmth when the snow hits, as it inevitably will. Lucky you and your raking ;) hopefully it won't be too bad!


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