Thursday 2 July 2015

Eight Months.

My bub is two-thirds of a year old!  I can hardly believe it.  We've found ourselves in a rather nice little routine which tends to make the days feel like they're flying by.  The routine is good, but the rapid passing of time, not so much.

It's been a month of firsts for this little bean.  She fed herself for the first (and, as of yet, last!) time, she got her first owie when she bumped her head and managed to pull herself up so she was standing without any help!  Her first word was definitely Dada, which she now associates with S; if he calls me, she'll start saying 'Dadada!' and smiling when she hears him on the phone.  It's so cute!  Possibly my favourite first - Vi can now say Mum!  I'm not sure she knows it's me quite yet, but it makes my heart happy every time I hear her little voice calling 'mumumum'.  And not forgetting, she learned how to wave this month too!  Such a clever clogs!

Vi is getting much better at settling herself down to sleep.  It's a relief in some ways, knowing that when she's tired she can make herself comfortable and drift off rather than needing to comfort nurse.  She still loves to be held while she's sleeping and I admit I do love the naptime cuddles.  She still has some separation anxiety, which has been exacerbated by the fever she had a few days ago; feeling unwell made her extra clingy and wanting me all the time, so everything else got put on hold for a little while and we had lots of snuggles, read lots of books and watched a whole heap of T.V. curled up on the sofa together.  She's such an active little creature, so it was weird to have her be so still and wanting to rest all the time.  She's feeling much better now though, and we're hoping that a tooth may appear in the next few days.  Watch this space!

She is, more often than not, a blur these days.  Getting a picture of her in focus is a task!  Vi is a happy, chatty, interested-in-everything kid who I've no doubt will have me chasing after her.  She loves Pearl and is always trying to stroke her.  She laughs at silly noises and funny faces, she gives awesome cheek kisses that are significantly less drooly (woo!) and she still wakes up smiling every single day.  I'm so excited to see what she'll learn over the next month, how she'll grow and change and become even more amazing than she is now.  I both can and can't wait!  Happy 8 months baby Vi!

Love, K.

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