Tuesday 10 February 2015

Getting Lost In The Best Way.

Happy, clean butt baby
Friends, it's so easy to get lost in parenthood. The days roll into one another in a blur of nappies, cuddles and happy squeals. I can easily spend hours and hours just holding her, marveling at how strong she is when I help her stand on my lap, watching her stare intently at her toys before trying to stuff them in her mouth. I love that I can be with V all the time, that I don't miss a moment of her. I'm very lucky.

Each day has its exciting moments, like when she'll make noises that are almost words and I crease up laughing. I like that we're settling, getting comfortable and predictable, even though it means my tiny baby is growing up. Yes, I know she's only three months old but by crikey, she's changed so much already. A little routine helps things stay the same for a bit longer (or so I like to think!).

I don't mind being lost at the moment. I don't mind focussing all of my attention on her, on letting the days blend together, because I get to have every instance with her. I know many parents don't have that luxury, S included, because of work or other commitments. I won't complain that chores go undone (although I'm working on my chore chart!) or that I didn't have anything jazzy to blog about. I'm going to simply enjoy being with my little one; there will always be time to do everything else later.

I hope that you are taking the time to enjoy yourselves this week, even if it does mean letting some other things slide.

Love, K.


  1. What a smile! She looks a delight!

    1. She really is! She's a very smiley, happy baby for the most part, thank goodness.

  2. She is so cute! It's such a fun time when they turn into 'little people' are start to interact with you, like smiles and eye contact. So wonderful that you get to spend all your time with her!

    1. Thank you :) she's definitely becoming more interested in the world around her and she's such a little chatterbox too! Her quiet newborn days seem miles away now, her personality is starting to shine through and it's the loveliest thing to see :)


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