Sunday 10 August 2014

28 Weeks Later.

We made it to the third trimester!  Woo!  And yay for being able to use a zombie movie as a post title!

I can't quite believe I'm already 28 weeks into my pregnancy!  It feels like forever ago that we found out we were expecting and scheduling our first doctor's appointment, now we're busy looking at buggies and tiny socks and figuring out which nappies are best to buy in bulk.  Crazy times.

I've been feeling pretty good, apart from the expected aches and pains that come with growing a little person.  I'm grateful that my back isn't hurting too much, although my bump is pretty small considering I'm so far along.  When people ask me, they're often surprised when I tell them my due date!  As long as the doctor says everything is okay, I'm pretty content with my little bump and not having to worry about my weight.  I'm under no illusion that I won't grow considerably over the next two months though!

So. Many. Boxes.

We're busy getting everything packed up and ready for our move, which we're going to be making as soon as possible.  We're just waiting to get the thumbs up on a place that we're interested in and then it'll be all systems go!  Our apartment is such a mess, I'm doing a little bit of sorting and organising every day (I get tired so quickly now!) and trying my best to pile my boxes neatly.  I'll be so glad when we're out of here and getting settled in our new home.

I hope that you all are looking forward to a great week and that you had an awesome weekend, too.  I'm going to settle in for the afternoon with some packing, T.V. and puppy snuggles!

Love, K.

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