Thursday, 10 December 2015

Two Years In America.

It's pretty bonkers to think that I've been in the US for two whole years. The time has felt so full that it's flown by, even when the days and weeks have sometimes felt very long.

This last year has obviously been full of baby things but in terms of being here, in a different country, it's been about routine and feeling settled. The newness has gone, leaving behind a comfortable familiarity. I don't struggle with remembering which way to look as I cross the road or saying dates as month/day/year. More often than not, people don't comment on my accent either, which happened a lot during the first year. I feel like I'm sinking into the culture, that I don't stand out so much, which is much nicer than I thought it would be.

While I do feel like I'm making a home here, with S and V and the pup, I also find myself thinking about Home a lot, as in being back in England. It's been two years since I last saw my family and that's hard, especially as we're a pretty close bunch. I hope that one day we'll be heading back that way, until then I'll be enjoying everything America has to offer!

So here's to a successful two years, full of adventures. I'm looking forward to what this third year brings - I'm hoping for a nice place to live (as we're moving when our lease is up!), quality family time and lots of happy moments!

Love, K.

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