Thursday, 21 August 2014

What A Week.

The past seven days have been a little bit crazy in these parts.

Last Saturday, I had the most awesome early birthday gift from a good friend of ours; S, our friend and I took a trip into NYC and headed over to Broadway to see 'Once', which was so good.  Going to the theatre is one of my absolute favourite things and seeing a musical is just the best.  It was a truly wonderful day, with lots of laughs and yummy food.

My rainbow-sprinkled New York cookie!

Sunday and Monday were significantly less fun but pretty awesome nonetheless.  We finally moved out of our apartment and away from our crummy neighbours!  Huzzah!  It was a lot of hard work, especially for S as I couldn't do much lifting and carrying, and we were both knackered by the end of Monday night.  Our new place is a little bigger and everything we could possibly want is super close by (we live opposite a supermarket and the park.  Score.).  Moving to a new place always takes a little getting used to and I'm not sure how long we'll be in this particular apartment, but we're making the most of everything and enjoying the change of scenery.

We can see the Empire State building from our living room, how fancy!

Tuesday was a pretty special day for me, since I got to celebrate my twenty-sixth birthday!  All in all, it was a pretty sedate affair, with a visit from the cable guy to hook up the T.V. and internet, lots of puppy cuddles and a trip to my favourite mac and cheese spot for dinner.  The evening was spent hanging out on the sofa watching movies with Pearl curled up between us, which suit me just fine.

Birthday slippers!
I'm glad that things are getting back to a more normal pace now, mostly because I get worn out so quickly these days!  We're slowly in the process of making our apartment feel more homely and looking at lots of baby things (who knew there were so many varieties of buggy?) and we're definitely taking things a little bit easier now too!

I hope you've had a great week so far and you've got lots of wonderful things planned for your weekend!

Love, K.


  1. Yey congrats on moving (I hope you get all settled and such quickly!) and what a view of the Empire State - that's awesome! You can never go wrong with slippers for your birthday, my mam mails me some over from Marks and Spencers ever year, can't beat them lol.

    1. I'm so glad the actual move is over - as you know, it can be a bit of a nightmare! I never say no to slippers, especially from Marks & Sparks. These were as close as I could get but I think I might have to get my Mum to post me a pair too!

  2. Happy late to you! It sounds like you had some really great times, even with the move. Hope things get back to normal at the new place, and yay for no more crummy neighbors!

    Little Lady Little City

    1. Thank you! It definitely feels like we're getting settled and our neighbours are already so much more pleasant! It's a good start!


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