Sunday, 31 August 2014

Thirty-One Weeks.

Holy cowbells.  I've hit the thirty-one week mark in my pregnancy.  While my bump is not that big, the doctor said that it's a good size considering my short torso and that baby and I are doing just fine.  The perk of the tiny torso is the little bump; the downside is I feel every kick, nudge and wallop, most of which seem to be aimed at my ribs!  It's great to feel the little bean squiggle around in there so I can't complain too much!

We've decided that, with two-ish months to go before the bean arrives, it'd be nice to let everyone know...

We were both jazzed to find out that we're having a daughter!  She's certainly an active one so I've no doubt we'll have our hands full when she arrives.  I've not had a lot of experience with babies but thankfully, Pearl has been helping me practice my baby-cuddling skills.

What a sweetie!  She's got such a gentle nature, I know she's going to be such a gem when our little one is here and that they're going to be the best of friends.

So, the countdown begins!  Over the next couple of months, we've got lots of planning and preparation to do to be as ready as possible for our new addition.  I'm looking forward to checking out buggies and car seats and packing my hospital bag and doing all that fun stuff before the hard work really begins.  It's an exciting time for us!

I hope you had a great weekend and you've got an awesome week ahead of you!

Love, K.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

What A Week.

The past seven days have been a little bit crazy in these parts.

Last Saturday, I had the most awesome early birthday gift from a good friend of ours; S, our friend and I took a trip into NYC and headed over to Broadway to see 'Once', which was so good.  Going to the theatre is one of my absolute favourite things and seeing a musical is just the best.  It was a truly wonderful day, with lots of laughs and yummy food.

My rainbow-sprinkled New York cookie!

Sunday and Monday were significantly less fun but pretty awesome nonetheless.  We finally moved out of our apartment and away from our crummy neighbours!  Huzzah!  It was a lot of hard work, especially for S as I couldn't do much lifting and carrying, and we were both knackered by the end of Monday night.  Our new place is a little bigger and everything we could possibly want is super close by (we live opposite a supermarket and the park.  Score.).  Moving to a new place always takes a little getting used to and I'm not sure how long we'll be in this particular apartment, but we're making the most of everything and enjoying the change of scenery.

We can see the Empire State building from our living room, how fancy!

Tuesday was a pretty special day for me, since I got to celebrate my twenty-sixth birthday!  All in all, it was a pretty sedate affair, with a visit from the cable guy to hook up the T.V. and internet, lots of puppy cuddles and a trip to my favourite mac and cheese spot for dinner.  The evening was spent hanging out on the sofa watching movies with Pearl curled up between us, which suit me just fine.

Birthday slippers!
I'm glad that things are getting back to a more normal pace now, mostly because I get worn out so quickly these days!  We're slowly in the process of making our apartment feel more homely and looking at lots of baby things (who knew there were so many varieties of buggy?) and we're definitely taking things a little bit easier now too!

I hope you've had a great week so far and you've got lots of wonderful things planned for your weekend!

Love, K.

Sunday, 10 August 2014

28 Weeks Later.

We made it to the third trimester!  Woo!  And yay for being able to use a zombie movie as a post title!

I can't quite believe I'm already 28 weeks into my pregnancy!  It feels like forever ago that we found out we were expecting and scheduling our first doctor's appointment, now we're busy looking at buggies and tiny socks and figuring out which nappies are best to buy in bulk.  Crazy times.

I've been feeling pretty good, apart from the expected aches and pains that come with growing a little person.  I'm grateful that my back isn't hurting too much, although my bump is pretty small considering I'm so far along.  When people ask me, they're often surprised when I tell them my due date!  As long as the doctor says everything is okay, I'm pretty content with my little bump and not having to worry about my weight.  I'm under no illusion that I won't grow considerably over the next two months though!

So. Many. Boxes.

We're busy getting everything packed up and ready for our move, which we're going to be making as soon as possible.  We're just waiting to get the thumbs up on a place that we're interested in and then it'll be all systems go!  Our apartment is such a mess, I'm doing a little bit of sorting and organising every day (I get tired so quickly now!) and trying my best to pile my boxes neatly.  I'll be so glad when we're out of here and getting settled in our new home.

I hope that you all are looking forward to a great week and that you had an awesome weekend, too.  I'm going to settle in for the afternoon with some packing, T.V. and puppy snuggles!

Love, K.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

My Favourite Month.

I am so jazzed that it's August.  While I can't quite believe we're already in the 8th month of 2014 (and that I'm only ten weeks away from being considered full-term in my pregnancy - whaaaaat), I absolutely love the fact that it's here and that we get 31 whole days of it.

I might be a little biased in my love of August because it's the month my birthday falls in, but it's my favourite for other reasons too!  As a child, I loved it because I never once had to go to school on my birthday.  The summer holidays would start in mid-July, ending in early September, which meant that the whole of August was away from school.  The whole month.  It didn't get much better than that.

Being in the northern hemisphere also means that August, for me, has always been a month of warmth and sunshine.  Not the potentially suffocating, cloying heat of July, but a much nicer, less oppressive string of days that mean not having to wear a jacket or cardigan and nights that are cool enough for comfortable sleep.

For me, August is the month of lazy afternoons spent reading in the garden, trips to the beach, eating fish and chips by the sea, soft vanilla cones from the ice cream van and long dresses.  More recently, it's grown to include taking early walks by the river, making at least one trip into NYC for some so-bad-for-you-it's-good street food and gallons of iced tea.  It's having the air conditioning on less and the windows open more.  And yes, it's a month of celebrations, of birthday cake and a new year ahead.  It's just a month full of awesome, really!

I hope you all are having a great, relaxing weekend and that you've got a wonderful week ahead of you.

Love, K.