Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Easy Days.

With the little "heatwave" over, the weather sure has turned cold again in this part of the world.  The wind is biting, cutting through the million layers I wear when I go out and the skies are grey.  While it's not so good for getting around, running errands or taking trips out, this weather is good for staying inside, cosied up with a good read and snuggled under a warm blanket.

My first book for this year just had to be 'Beowulf and the Finnesburg Fragment'.  When I was at university, I tried to take a huge variety of courses, wanting to immerse myself in all different writing styles and cultures.  I took both Greek and Norse mythology in my second year and it was fascinating to read such intricate, vivid literature.  One of the required texts was 'Beowulf' and I absolutely love the edition I bought to accompany the course.  It has that wonderful 'old book' smell and while it's a little battered, it's certainly well-loved.

A good read has to be enjoyed with a good snack and I found these completely adorable skull and bones candies.  They were so much fun to munch on as I followed the adventures of Beowulf and all his famous battles.  If you haven't read it, I'd highly recommend doing so, as the animated movie doesn't do the story justice.  It's a really rich, beautiful work.

I've also been doing really well keeping up with my goal of 3 hours of exercise per week and while I enjoy a bit of Just Dance to get my heart pumping, I've rediscovered a lost love for yoga.  I find that it doesn't matter what time of day I do it, I feel refreshed and energised and so at peace after a session, especially when I practice it for half an hour or so.

Have you been enjoying some rest and relaxation?  Do you enjoy mythology from other cultures?  Do you have any suggestions for my next read?  I hope you're having a wonderful day and you've got awesome plans for this week!

Love, K.


  1. Things have been busy busy around here as usual! We've had company and we're going to have more again on the weekend. Always rush rush rushing around it seems and have not had much time for anything but hoping that tonight will be a bit of a break!

    We read a portion of Beowulf in my grade 10 AP English class, I know the story but have never read the whole book. I do find Greek mythology interesting but never have time to give it any attention!

    - J

    1. You're always such a busy bee ^_^ It sounds like a fun, exciting time though, just the right kind of busy! Here's hoping you'll get a little break to yourself tonight to relax!

      I enjoy Greek mythology, though I've recently been more and more interested in the Roman stuff, like Ovid's poetry (I really must get my hands on 'Metamorphoses' and read it!)

  2. Those skull candies look yummy. I never thought of doing exercise from YouTube. Rad idea. I need to get my flabby belly into gear.

    1. They were really yum, kind of sour, they reminded me of a candy in England called 'Refreshers'. Youtube has so many awesome exercise vids, though some of them think that your living room is the size of a studio and you've got a mile of space -_- Not convenient for my tiny apartment!


I love hearing what you think ^_^ Thank you for your comment!