Monday, 31 August 2015

Oh, September.

{From Autumn last year}
As much as I love the summer months, the long days with nothing but blue skies and sunshine, it gets to a point where I have simply had enough. The end of summer isn't a negative for me any more, but rather an easing of the seasons into a cooler, more comfortable atmosphere, with changing colours and brisk breezes and cardigans. Ahh, cardigans!

I know it'll be a few weeks still until I'm even considering pulling out the layers but knowing that it's just around the corner makes my heart happy. It means longer walks with the pup and the babe, more time outside when it isn't blazing hot, cups of coffee that aren't laden with ice. It means the leaves will start to turn and crisp and crunch beneath our feet. It means peace from the thrum of the air conditioner and baking bread and hopefully a pie or two.

September used to be a return to school, the start of the cold days and dark afternoons. Now I'm appreciating it a little bit more for all the goodness it brings!

Love, K.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015


{These guys are my best guys}

This time last year, I was in a bit of a funk. I was super pregnant and moving to a place I didn't really want to go to. Our first night in our new apartment was spent listening to fire engines roar along the main road and hosing the place down in roach spray. I woke up on the morning of my 26th birthday on my own, as S had the early shift, and waited for the cable guy to come and set us up. I made breakfast, walked the dog and had a little cry, wondering what on earth was going on with my life.

Things got better, much better, as they inevitably do. We had our beautiful little bub, moved from the noisy but convenient apartment to family-friendly suburbia and we were all happier. We still are. It's wonderful to look back and find ourselves in a much more positive place, with a future that is looking even brighter for us.

I'm grateful that tomorrow, when I wake up as a 27-year-old, I'm where I want to be. I'll have a hundred snuggles with V, who will no doubt want to wriggle away and adventure. I'll wake up with S, who has the day off. I'll get puppy kisses from my favourite pooch, eat mac and cheese and cake and be content. I won't forget what things were like this time last year, which simultaneously feels so recent and so distant. I won't forget all the memories we've crammed into these 365 days, both the good and not-so-good. I'll look forward to the next year, the start of a new challenge for myself and another million memories to make.

Here's to year 28 and everything it brings!

Love, K.

Saturday, 8 August 2015

A Day At The Park.

It was one of those outings that started out rough and got a million times better. We packed our whole family into the car with plenty of snacks, water, toys and a baby on the verge of napping. We were foolishly optimistic, thinking we could pop into the city, grab some lunch and make it back to Liberty State Park while V slept, waking refreshed and ready to play. She fought sleep the entire journey, wailing as we drove back into NJ. We made a stop at a park close by, thinking we could change our plans a little, only to be met with a 'No Dogs On The Grass' sign. I huffed back to the car, put grumpy V back into her car seat and considered calling it a day and heading home.

Then V fell asleep. Peace enveloped us. We regrouped, headed for our original destination and had the best afternoon. It's rare that we get these little pockets of time just to spend relaxing and hanging out as a family, due to work commitments and other gumph like appointments, laundry and grocery shopping. We made the most of it and it was awesome.

So, V hates the feeling of grass on her feet. She braved it in an awkward dash from the blanket to my lap and decided, rather vocally, that she wouldn't be put back down! We ran around with Pearl until she was tuckered out, watched her chase butterflies and lounge in the shade. We had so many snuggles, enjoying the breeze ruffling our hair and took an epic family selfie.

 I should add that I didn't realise V had stuffed her hand down my shirt until I looked back at the pictures. But I love this photo, of all of us. Our little family, which I'm so proud to be a part of, which I utterly adore. 

I can't wait for so many more days spent like this, with these pictures and memories and that happy, exhausted feeling as the day draws to a close. My favourite kind of day.

Love, K.

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Nine Months.

It's official - Miss Serious Face over here is nine whole months old! Whaaaaat?? It truly boggles me just how quickly time is passing, how the days that sometimes feel so very, very long have suddenly built into three-quarters of a year.

These days, Vi is a blur. She figured out how to crawl one Friday afternoon and since then, there's been no stopping her. She scoots about, chasing after Pearl, pulling herself up to standing and 'cruising' along the furniture. It's amazing just how quickly she's progressed, from shuffling around slowly to zooming along. Her little legs are so strong and I know it's just a matter of time before she lets go of the sofa and takes those first steps!

Vi's confidence has grown in leaps and bounds as she's become more independent. She's happy to play on her own, explore her home and come back for cuddles when she's ready. It's awesome to see her grow like this, to feel comfortable being away from Mumma a little. It's clicked for her that being apart doesn't mean forever and that she can always make her way back to me when she needs to. It gives us both a break and makes our snuggle time much more special!

This little one eats like a champ and will scoff down anything I give her! She's developed a real liking for rice porridge in recent weeks and while she still prefers sweet flavours (banana for life), she definitely enjoys more savoury tastes too; mashed potatoes with cheese, chicken and vegetables and an old favourite, avocado, are all still on the menu. Plus, very exciting, Vi really enjoys feeding herself now too! Rice cakes, crackers and little pieces of fruit and veg are easy for her to pop in her mouth and enjoy. We're still waiting on that first tooth though!

Nine months. Soon ten, then eleven, then one whole year. It's all happening impossibly fast and it's so exciting and wonderful and I'm holding on to every minute of her little-ness that I can.

Happy 9 Months baby girl!

Love, K.