Sunday, 30 November 2014

Happy Birthday Pearl!

This little lady is a whole year old today!  It's crazy to think that we've had her as a part of our family for nine months already, but this whole year has felt like it has flown by.

Bringing Pearl home was one of the best things we ever did.  She really has brought joy into our lives every single day, with her endless puppy kisses and infectious happiness.  She loves us unconditionally and we love her just the same.  There is no better way to wake up than with her snuffly nose poking at my face!

We celebrated today with a brand new toy and lots of treats, plus a ton of extra attention.  Since we brought baby V home, Pearl has unfortunately taken a bit of a back seat in terms of attention from S and I, even though we do our best to make sure she feels included and loved.  I hope that spoiling her a little today makes her feel extra special and that she knows how important she is to all of us.

Having her has been an absolute blast and I really can't wait to see my two babies grow up together and become the best of friends.  Happy 1st Birthday, Pearl!  Here's to many more awesome years together!

Love, K.

Monday, 17 November 2014

And Then We Were Four.

Friends, I'd very much like to introduce you to my daughter, Violet.

This tiny baby, my little bean, decided to make her entrance into the world on her due date, November 2nd. Probably the one day we weren't expecting her to appear! She weighed a healthy 6 pounds 9 ounces and measured 19.5 inches. She is, without a doubt, the most beautiful person I have ever seen and both S and I are completely and utterly in love with her.

The past two weeks, we've all been settling in to our new routine. I'm still recovering from the birth (it wasn't too bad but hey, I had a baby, so I'm taking it easy) so S is doing lots more around the house. He's already back at work so my days are filled with a million cuddles, nappy changes, endless feeding and trying to do more than just stare at her for hours on end. Not that I'm succeeding too much with that last one, because she's adorable.

We couldn't be happier with our amazing daughter. I still can't quite believe I'm a Mum. It feels like she's always been here and I really can't imagine life without her now. Little V is just the best and her arrival has made our family complete. Pearl adores her too, which is so awesome. I can't wait to see them grow up together!

I'm so excited for the future, to watch her become her own person. I'm trying hard to appreciate every moment in the present too, even the midnight feeding and her sad cries when she's gassy. The past two weeks have zoomed by, I can't imagine how quickly the next month or year is going to go. We're soaking it all in and doing our best and it's been so much fun already. We've already learned so much from our little one and we're so happy to be on this journey all together. Yay parenthood!

I'll leave this here since my baby needs some food in her belly and I can't wait another moment to hold her tight and breathe in that incredible new baby smell! I hope you guys are all set for an amazing week!

Love, K.