Look at these ridiculously huge strawberries! I thought that since they were so huge, they might not have much flavour but they tasted absolutely divine.
Warm weather means lots of fresh veggies, hard-boiled eggs and the occasional helping of waffle fries.
Flip flops and a flopped dog. I can't believe how big Pearl is getting, it's like she's blooming before my eyes.
I've been a little MIA over the last few weeks, mainly due to the regular humdrum of life that doesn't inspire me to write. S has been training hard to get some extra certifications at work so that he can hopefully move up in the company and we can hopefully move a little further south in the state! We've not been especially busy or up to anything overly exciting, but I'm hoping to change that up pretty darn soon.
I hope you've been well and full of the joys of spring. Fingers crossed it's really, truly, finally here!
Love, K.